Monday, 2 February 2009

Snow, More Snow, and Google The Killjoy

Snow, snow, fabulous, fluffy, wonderful snow. It’s everywhere! You can’t see the pavement, the cars, the road, it’s almost covered houses.
There’s a snowman in the park that is over 8 foot tall.

Gawd, I love the snow.

Google Baby loves the snow. I have decided.

In fact, it seems everyone loves the snow. Everyone except Google, who is a great big fat killjoy.


Well, I wanted to take Google Baby out for his first foray into snow heaven. So I asked Google:

Can I take Google Baby tobogganing?

Can I roll Google Baby in the snow?

Can Google Baby build snowmen?

Can Google Baby play snow ball fights?

Can Google Baby make snow angels?

And Google said


Anyone would think Google Baby was only a few months old……

So, instead, we’ve watched the big flakes fall from the window where we also watched people slip and tumble and get hit by snowballs (*snigger*). Then we went for a very short walk so some flakes could fall on his eyelashes.

I took a disproportionate number of photos for the time we were actually outside, but it's snow and i just had to. Come on!! It's his first snowy day. And it's proper snow. Like the snow we used to have when I was a kid (gawd, I sound old...).

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow……

1 comment:

Tattieweasle said...

It's so frustrating in those early months that they can't DO anything as such - or at least not the things you want them to do like build snowmen, have snowball fights etc then in a blink of the eye - which is in fact five years - you cannot get them inside and you are freezing and wet and covered in snow and ice is trickling down your neck...
but it is worth it!